Organic Vanilla Beans For Sale

Organic Vanilla Beans For Sale at RM65.00 per pack of 10 Grade A Beans. Free postage for West Malaysia, postage cost of RM5 per packet for East Malaysia. Above 3 packets free postage. Interested please call 019-4731770 or leave a message at any post of this blog to arrange for purchase. A级有机香草豆荚出售,每包RM65(10条香草豆装)。 西马免邮费。 东马每包邮费每包RM5, 购买3包及以上免邮费。

Tuesday 17 July 2012

蒸低脂肪凡尼拉/香草豆海绵蛋糕/Steamed Low Fat Vanilla Sponge Cake

最近买了几个小型的蛋糕模型, 就急不及待的制作了几个蒸低脂肪的凡尼拉海绵蛋糕。用凡尼拉糖打出来的海绵蛋糕, 真的是一点也没有蛋腥味!

鸡蛋/Egg - 5颗
自家熏制Vanilla香草糖/ Home Infused Vanilla Sugar - 100~120g
盐/Salt - 1/4茶匙/tspn
自发面粉/Self Raising Flour - 150g

××如果没有凡尼拉糖,就加1茶匙的凡尼拉香精酒链接/Add Vanilla Extract 1 tspn if you do not have vanilla sugar.

# 刚好家里没有自发面粉,可以自己调制: 面粉120g + 玉米淀粉30g+发粉1+1/4茶匙或是只是用面粉150g+发粉1+1/4茶匙/ To make your own self-raising flour: 120g Flour + 30g corn starch + 1 1/4tspn baking powder

1.  在开始制作的同时,在蒸锅内开始烧1500cc的水。Start boiling 1500ml water in the steamer pot while you start making the cake.

Beat eggs at highest speed. It is optional to add a tspn of ovalette
2.  用高速搅打鸡蛋,盐及凡尼拉糖12~15分钟分钟。如果您是使用小型的手拿搅拌机,您可以选择加入1茶匙的黄油乳化剂(ovalette cake emulsifier)打出来的蛋液会比较稳定,作出来的蛋糕效果也比较好。但是我选择不加。(如果您不介意成品的表面有一些比较粗大的气泡孔,是不必加 的,吃的天然一点比较好,卖相是其次。)如果是用大型的搅拌机的话则只需打9~10分钟即可。
打至蛋液变白成细致绵密的泡沫/Beat until eggs become silky smooth (no big bubbles)
打至可以在蛋液上写字,字体停留8秒才消失。/ You can write on the egg mixture, the figure stays for 8 seconds
把过筛的干粉分3次加入蛋液内,轻轻搅拌(用由下往上的搅拌方式)。/ Fold in the flour in 3 batches using down to up movement. Don't fold too hard

5.  面糊舀进事先准备好的涂搽了面包油的蛋糕模型或垫了纸杯的杯子。 Fill the greased/lined cake cups or mold 80% full
6.  把填满面糊的杯子排放进蒸笼内, 这时水也滚了,用中火蒸15分钟即可。Steam the cakes at medium flame for 15 minutes.
7.  如果想要另一种风味, 可以用Muffin Pan来制作,放进预热180度C的烤箱内烤15~20分钟即可。(时间需根据不同型款的烤箱作出调整)/ Or you can bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 180 degree C using muffin pans for 15 ~ 20 minutes

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有意购买梵尼拉香草荳的顾客,请拨打电话或发短讯或在此留言版留言联络方式,每包65(10条),西马免邮费,东马每包邮费RM5(购买超过3包免邮费), 谢谢。 Please SMS / call me at 019-473 1770 or leave me a message at this comment column should you be interested in purchasing the vanilla beans at RM65 per packet of 10 beans (free postage). I will get back to you soon. Thank you.