Organic Vanilla Beans For Sale

Organic Vanilla Beans For Sale at RM65.00 per pack of 10 Grade A Beans. Free postage for West Malaysia, postage cost of RM5 per packet for East Malaysia. Above 3 packets free postage. Interested please call 019-4731770 or leave a message at any post of this blog to arrange for purchase. A级有机香草豆荚出售,每包RM65(10条香草豆装)。 西马免邮费。 东马每包邮费每包RM5, 购买3包及以上免邮费。

Tuesday 17 July 2012

在家熏制凡尼拉/香草豆砂糖/Home Infused Vanilla Sugar

A 级的香草豆荚
凡尼拉荚香草豆/香草莢 - 10 条(打直破开, 然后剪成2段)(也可以使用萃取香精酒后风干的香草荚,数量要用多些)

Fine Grain Sugar - 2kg 
10 Vanilla Pods-cut lengthwise (or you may use the air-dried vanilla pods after making your Home Infused Vanilla Essence , but you will need more in quantity)

最好是使用玻璃罐,先把一半的糖倒入糖罐内, 然后插入一半剪开的凡尼拉荚
Half-filled a glass jar with sugar, stick in the vanilla pods.

然后再倒入另外一半的糖, 再埋入剩余的凡尼拉荚, 接着旋紧盖子,把糖罐置放在阴凉黑暗的橱内最少1个月。
Filled up the jar with the rest of the sugar, keep the sugar jar in a dark cool cabinet for at least 1 month

1.  Use 2 smaller jars. Take turn to refill the sugar jars to ensure constant supply of vanilla sugar.
2.  You can refill the sugar jar to reuse the vanilla pods for a few rounds. Grind the pods into powder for baking or cooking after using them for a year or so.
3.  Those tiny black dots in the sugar are the vanilla caviar where the aroma comes. Also you will find some oil stains in the lumpy sugar, they are vanilla oil stains. Please do not throw them away! Just break the sugar lumps before use.

1.  建议同时使用2个小型的糖罐子,分开熏制两个糖罐的凡尼拉糖, 轮流使用烹饪,这样子就可以有源源不绝的凡尼拉糖供应啦!
2.  使用过的凡尼拉荚还可以再循环数次使用来熏制凡尼拉糖。 一年过后再把它打成细粉,拌进细砂糖内用掉, 一点也不浪费。
3.  熏制出来的凡尼拉糖内, 会有一些小黑点, 别担心, 那是凡尼拉子来的! 有时会看到糖有些油渍, 那是凡尼拉油, 凡尼拉子及凡尼拉油是香味的来源, 可别挖起来丢弃喔!

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有意购买梵尼拉香草荳的顾客,请拨打电话或发短讯或在此留言版留言联络方式,每包65(10条),西马免邮费,东马每包邮费RM5(购买超过3包免邮费), 谢谢。 Please SMS / call me at 019-473 1770 or leave me a message at this comment column should you be interested in purchasing the vanilla beans at RM65 per packet of 10 beans (free postage). I will get back to you soon. Thank you.